Audit Committee
Description: The Audit Committee annually reviews the financial records and support documents of the FLTWS Secretary and Treasurer.
Chair: Samantha Baraoidan
Committee members:
Contact Info:
Awards Committee
Description: The Awards Committee annually solicits and receives nominations from the FLTWS membership for the Chapter’s awards. The Committee subsequently reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to the Executive Board as to what recognitions should be awarded.
Chair: Blair Hayman
Committee members:
Contact Info:
Certification Committee
Description: The Certification Committee maintains a record of the current certification status of the Chapter’s membership. Their purpose is to encourage and facilitate the certification/re-certification of Chapter members. To this end, committee members provide assistance to FLTWS and Student Chapter members who are preparing and submitting their AWB/CWB certification application, as well as to current AWBs and CWBs who are maintaining their certification by meeting TWS’s continuing education requirements. Additionally, the Certification Committee seeks out opportunities to help Chapter members meet the educational requirements to become certified, and continuing education opportunities to help certified Chapter members maintain their certification.
Chair: Vacant
Committee members:
Contact Info:
Conservation Committee
Description: The Conservation Committee reviews legislative proposals, administrative regulations, environmental assessments and impact statements, and other subjects or issues affecting wildlife or wildlife habitat in Florida. We then make recommendations to the Executive Board for any action that should be taken by the Florida Chapter. This committee is looking for 2 members who are willing to write comment letters on conservation issues. If you would like to serve on this committee please contact the chair.
Chair: Jay Exum
Committee members: Corey Callahan, Diane Eggeman, Christian Fernandez, Rob Meyer, Elizabeth Norregaard, Larry Perrin, Brooke Talley, Maria Zondervan
Education and Information Committee
Description: The Education and Information Committee seeks and employs methods of informing the public of basic concepts of wildlife management and of Chapter, Section, and Society activities and interests through a periodic newsletter, website, and social media.
Chair: Jennifer Korn
Committee members:
Contact Info: (813) 417-6165
Fund Raising Committee
Description: The Fund Raising Committee is responsible for soliciting sponsorship for Florida Chapter events and meetings, and maintaining and updating sponsorship contact information. It also seeks funding sources for building and maintaining the Chapter’s Endowment Fund and other special accounts. The Fund Raising Committee is always looking for new members because the bigger the committee, the greater the scope of contact with potential sponsors. If you would like to participate on this committee, please contact Larry and/or Mark using the information below.
Co-Chairs: Larry Perrin and Mark Ausley
Committee members: Grace Campbell, Patrick Delaney
Contact Info: Larry (850) 926-5077 Mark (407) 760-9157
Membership Committee
Description: The Membership Committee is responsible for managing current members and increasing membership. We maintain the database of all past and current members and send out renewal reminders. When a new member joins it is our responsibility to welcome the new member, familiarize him/her with the chapter, and offer opportunities to become involved in the chapter. Retaining existing members is also a priority, so we conduct periodic surveys to evaluate member satisfaction. Currently there are 2 openings on the Membership Committee. If you would like to serve on this committee, please contact either chair.
Chair: Lisa Smith
Committee members:
Contact Info: Lisa (352) 334-4255
Nominating and Elections Committee
Description: The Nominating and Elections Committee consists of three members selected by the Executive Board. Elections are held every two years, and committee members are responsible for preparing a slate of two candidates from the Chapter membership for each of the elective positions: President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the Southeastern Section, and two Members-at-Large. If you are interested in getting involved in this committee OR are interested in running for a board position, please contact the Committee Chair. For more information about these elected positions click here.
Chair: Monica Folk
Committee members: Mark Ausley, Kimberly Tillman
Program Committee
Description: The Program Committee plans the annual Fall and Spring Meetings. The committee is overseen by the President-Elect, who sets the theme, invites speakers,and plans symposiums, field-trips and workshops. The Program Chair leads the committee in proposing several possible locations for each meeting, which is selected by the Executive Board. The committee then works with a planner to choose a suitable venue, dates, menu, social events, entertainment, and negotiate a contract with the selected site. The Chair coordinates with the Website, Membership, Education, Awards, Student Chapter and Fundraising committees to announce and promote the meeting, including printing the program. Committee members handle all onsite meeting needs including registration, merchandise, A/V management, food and entertainment, poster session, field-trip or workshop logistics, speaker needs, banquet agenda, and student rooms. We would enthusiastically welcome new Program Committee members!
Chair: Larame Ferry
Committee members:
Scholarship Committee
Description: The Scholarship Committee awards the Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships, which are presented each year at the Spring Meeting. The Chair issues the announcements in the Fall to all Florida schools with Wildlife programs; applications are due in early December. The Chair processes the applications, ensures they meet the requirements, and distributes them to committee members. Committee members review and rank the applications according to established criteria and return their results to the Chair by February 1. The Chair reviews the selection and notifies the Executive Board of the results. The award recipients are notified and a press release is issued. The Chair presents the awards in the form of a check to the recipients at the Spring Meeting, usually in April.
Chair: Monica Folk
Committee members: Jess Baker, Grace Campbell, Patrick Delaney, Nicole DeSha, Jay Exum, Tim Hall, Jen Korn, Rob Meyer, Jessica Spickler
Contact Info: 407-870-8603
UF Student Chapter
Description: The UF Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society acts as a great first step into the Wildlife and Natural Resources field for UF students. Giving them the ability to become TWS members and experience what TWS has to offer, while also helping to build skills, community, and a network with professionals, researchers, land managers, and stakeholders involved in conservation and the natural resources.
President: Preston T. Bertka-Ballard
Chapter Officers:
Website Committee
Description: Website maintenance and updates.
Chair: Eric Tillman
Committee members: Victor Remley