Spring MEETING Concurrent Professional Development Workshops
(Included with your Full Meeting registration)
Thursday, April 25, 2024 ~ 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Register Here!
Workshop 1. The Ins and Outs of iNaturalist as a Tool for Quantifying Biodiversity and Engaging the Public
This workshop will equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience required to be effective leaders in leveraging the popular citizen science platform iNaturalist. Data collected through this platform is used for research on a wide variety of topics including species range and distribution, non-native species introduction, and animal biology and behavior that can lead to species conservation and non-native species management. Additionally, iNaturalist can be used as a powerful engagement tool to get the public involved in collecting biodiversity data while also learning more about their local ecosystem. Through this training, participants will become empowered to explore iNaturalist data and to engage with and educate the public using the iNaturalist app. We expect that participants will learn how to navigate and effectively use the iNaturalist platform to collect and document biodiversity data; acquire hands-on experience in capturing and managing data using the iNaturalist app; and be capable of creating and managing iNaturalist projects, tailored to specific conservation initiatives. This workshop is geared towards beginner users of the iNaturalist platform, but no prior experience is required.
About the presenters:
The workshop will be given by Corey T. Callaghan and Brittany Mason from the University of Florida Global Ecology Research Group. Corey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, and Brittany is the Data Management Analyst in the research group. Their research and extension program focuses on using biodiversity data generated by citizen science (e.g., eBird and iNaturalist) to answer applied and theoretical questions in the biodiversity sciences. For example, their research ranges from quantifying biodiversity in space and time to understanding how citizen science data are being used in environmental impact statements to quantifying iNaturalist user behavior to understand data quality and how to best engage users at different stages of their citizen science journey. Both Corey and Brittany are avid iNaturalist users and in their free time can be found documenting and observing Florida's plants and animals. They are passionate about sharing the platform with the public via direct interaction or through teaching organizations how to lead their own engagement program using citizen science platforms.
Corey Callaghan Brittany Mason
Workshop 2. Survey123 Application Development and Introduction to ArcGIS Survey123 Connect
Workshop participants will be guided through basic web based Survey123 application development and be introduced to more advanced Survey123 application development through ArcGIS Survey123 Connect. Walk through real-life examples using Survey123 to solicit expert opinions on invasive Burmese pythons in Florida and learn how PATRIC (Python Action Team Removing Invasive Constrictors) contractors use Survey123 in the field.
About the presenter:
Working as a spatial analyst for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Brittany Bankovich models distribution patterns of fish and wildlife, and helps to identify lands and waters that are conservation priorities. Given the recent boom in leveraging mobile data collection applications to conduct field-based surveys, Brittany has worked to develop applications in ESRI Field Maps and Survey123, saving time and money for the agency, as well as reducing data-entry errors.
Brittany earned her BS in Biology from The University of Akron and MS from The University of Florida in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.
Brittany Bankovich