Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Grass Identification Workshop
October 18-19, 2017
UF-IFAS Range Cattle REC
3401 Experiment Station
Ona, FL 33865
This 2-day workshop will be taught by Brent Sellers and Greg Hendricks, and will include indoor and outdoor classroom exercises in identification and management of native and invasive grasses in Central Florida.
Registration is $35.00 for FLTWS members, $15.00 for students, and $60.00 for non-members. Class size is limited so please register soon. The deadline for registration is October 11, 2017, but late registration may be allowed if slots are still available at a cost of $70.00.
An agenda can be downloaded by clicking here
LODGING: Local lodging may be found at the Best Western Heritage Inn & Suites in Bowling Green for $90/night Govt Rate; or Holiday Inn Express in Arcadia for $106/night Govt Rate. Both hotels are approximately 20 miles from meeting location. Reservations can be made by calling the hotels directly: Best Western: 863-773-2378; Holiday Inn: 863-494-5900. There are no designated room blocks.
Hosted by:
UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences:
Range Cattle Research & Education Center
Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society
Capt. Greg Hendricks owns and operates Florida Eco Enterprises, LLC which focuses on ecological consulting and ecological boat tours. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Rangeland Ecosystems Management from the University of Florida, and has 34 years of experience with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida and Washington DC as a Rangeland Specialist and State Resource Conservationist. Today, he provides rangeland ecology, pasture management and grazing system recommendations to NRCS on their conservation easement properties and assists the USFWS on rangeland evaluations for the Florida grasshopper sparrow. He is active with the Florida Native Plant Society, Sea Turtle Preservation Society - Stranding Team, Florida Master Naturalist Program, and the central Brevard County U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Contact Information: Phone: (352) 339-1148
Email: Gatorgregh@gmail.com
Dr. Brent A. Sellers is an Associate Professor of Agronomy, specializing in Weed Science at the University of Florida-IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center. He is a native of Bourbon, Indiana and received his B.S. degree in Biology and M.S. degree in Botany and Plant Pathology (Weed Science specialization) from Purdue University in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Agronomy from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2003. Dr. Sellers joined the department of Agronomy at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center in 2004 with the responsibilities of weed management in pastures, rangeland, natural areas, and rights-of-way, including biology and management of non-native, invasive species. He has served on numerous committees within the University of Florida including the UF-IFASInvasive Plant Working Group and serves as a member on the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Committee. He is the author or co-author of 42 journal articles, 54 Extension fact sheets, and 79 non-refereed trade journal articles. Dr. Sellers has received numerous awards during his career including The Florida Cattlemen’s Researcher of the Year, The Florida Association of County Agricultural Agents Extension Specialist of the Year, UF-IFAS Extension Dallas Townsend Extension Professional Enhancement Award, and the Sadler Distinguished Professional and Enhancement Award for his contributions to clientele in the state of Florida.
Contact Information: Phone: (863) 735-1314 x207; Mobile: (863) 441-3064
Email: sellersb@ufl.edu
Dr. Raoul Boughton spent 5 years with Archbold biological station determining how best to encourage wildlife and promote conservation efforts on Florida ranches. He has been with UF IFAS Range Cattle and Education Center since 2014, working on the impacts of feral swine and coyotes on ranchlands. Rangeland Scientist | Wildlife Assistant Professor Department of Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation University of Florida – IFAS | Range Cattle Research and Education Center 3401 Experiment Station | Ona, Florida 33865
Contact Information: Phone: (863) 735 1314 ext. 216; Mobile: (863) 840 3678
Email: rboughton@ufl.edu
Dr. Elizabeth “Betsey” Boughton is the research director of Archbold Biological Station’s MacArthur Agroecology Research Center (MAERC) in Lake Placid, FL. MAERC is operated as a commercial cattle ranch that serves as a research platform to investigate ecological and economic challenges on working landscapes. Betsey facilitates visiting researchers and graduate students on MAERC as well as maintaining an active research program on community structure and ecosystem function of wetlands and grasslands. In addition, Betsey manages several long-term ecological monitoring projects including surface water monitoring on thousands of acres of ranchlands in the Northern Everglades.
Contact Information Phone: (863) 699-02421 ext. 2 | Mobile: (863) 840-3673
Email: eboughton@archbold-station.org