Heartland Resiliency Summit, Aug. 6th, Lake Placid, FL

Please join us for the Heartland Resiliency Summit on Tuesday, August 6th in Lake Placid.


We welcome your participation! See attached and below for registration info!


Register Today for the Heartland Resiliency Summit


Tuesday, August 6, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lake Placid Government Center | 1069 U.S. Hwy 27 N. - Lake Placid, FL 33852

Join the Heartland Regional Resiliency Coalition as we address economic, community, and natural system disruptions, provide support, and find collaborative solutions in DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Polk Counties.

Topics Include:

  • Florida's Resilience Initiatives

  • Challenges to Agriculture

  • Natural System Restoration

  • Transportation

  • Stormwater Infrastructure

  • Economic & Community Resiliency



Hosted by the Central Florida Regional Planning Council

FLTWS Zoom Social, July 30th - From Steppes to Saddles: Mongolia's Wildlife, Culture, and the Challenge of the Mongol Derby

Please join us for the next WILDLIFE CONNECTIONS: From Steppes to Saddles: Mongolia’s Wildlife, Culture, and the Challenge of the Mongol Derby.

Lisa Smith is an Assistant Research Scientist at FWRI studying bats and mustelids.  She recently travelled to Mongolia and would like to share her journey with you.

This will be a fascinating presentation, so please make plans to join us on Zoom on July 30 from 11:30am to 12:30pm

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Meeting ID: 407 832 4242
Passcode: Welcome


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---Meeting ID: 407 832 4242

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb0rofixTd

FLTWS Zoom Social, May 29th- Discussions on the future makeup and focus of the wildlife profession

Join us Wed. May 29th, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm, for a discussion on the future makeup and focus of the wildlife profession as people engage with nature in ever-evolving ways.

Jay Exum will lead a conversation that will include discussions of topics such as the following:


  1. As the state urbanizes, fewer people hunt and fish, and much of the population’s attitudes about wildlife are shifting. Will the future see diversified support for hunting and fishing as a key piece – but not necessarily the centerpiece – of wildlife conservation?

  2. Do polarizing wildlife issues (e.g., bear hunts, trapping) further separate wildlife enthusiasts into hunter vs anti-hunting groups, or can we discuss these issues in civil, dispassionate ways that can unite people who care about the environment from different perspectives? How should FL TWS be involved with issues like these?

  3. Is there an inappropriate preference given to the priorities of hunters and anglers?

  • With state policies?

  • With state funding?

  • In academia?

  • In wildlife/natural resource research?


If you’d like to read the articles that inspired this topic, check out the Wildlife Professional linked HERE – specifically the articles by von Furstenberg and Larson (page 31) and by Thorburn (page 36).


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 0676 3476
Passcode: FLTWS


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Meeting ID: 836 0676 3476

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kemaNhIGbj

Special film screening - O2O: The Path to Connection, June 1st in Gainesville

Join us on National Trails Day for a special film screening of O2O: The Path to Connection on Saturday, June 1st at 3pm at Cypress & Grove Brewery in Gainesville. The event is free and open to the public.

The O2O Expedition features three veterans who explored a 57-mile section of the Florida Wildlife Corridor from the Ocala to the Osceola National Forests. The core of the Expedition involves a 4-day journey which includes paddling of the Ocklawaha River as well as biking/hiking segments through the Florida National Scenic Trail. The 25-minute film captures their adventure and features the connection between nature and wellness, conservation compatibility of military installations, and accessibility of outdoor spaces for all.


After the film, listen to a panel discussion featuring the trekkers and land managers who made the expedition possible as they share stories of wild Florida. Learn about FTA’s new adaptive hiking program, take a look at our accessibility device, and mingle with partners in conservation.


The O2O expedition represents the embodiment of the important connections that can mean the difference between preservation or loss of the treasure that is the Florida Wildlife Corridor. 


O2O Wildlife Corridor is a 100-mile-long, 1.6-million-acre landscape of public and private lands that connect the Ocala and Osceola National Forests.


For questions about the event, contact Jane Pollack at janep@floridatrail.org.

See you there!

Invasion Science Research Symposium, May 6-8, 2024

Invasive species represent one of the greatest contemporary threats to biodiversity, interacting with and often exacerbating other drivers of environmental change to impact agricultural productivity, ecosystem resilience and human health. Invasive species problems are complex and multidimensional, yet our approach to their management is often piecemeal and reliant on single disciplinary perspectives.

Organized by the Invasion Science Research Institute (ISRI) , this symposium aims to explore and promote the development of interdisciplinary research and the use of novel tools and approaches, to advance our understanding of invasive species and inform the design, organization and delivery of policies and practices that can improve prevention and management.

Click HERE to view symposium postcard

Click HERE for the symposium webpage

FLTWS Zoom Social - Story telling session, March 28th!

FLTWS Members – Don’t Miss This Zoom, it should be a fun one!


The next FLTWS Wildlife Connections Zoom social will be on March 28th at 11:30am EST


Topic: “Story telling session; and invitation to tell yours!” with Larry Perrin


What began as a “story-telling session” at the Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Spring Conference in 2019 is now proposed as a possible book opportunity (and fundraiser for the FLTWS). Larry Perrin has received several, entertaining wildlifer stories that he will share with us at the next FLTWS Wildlife Connections Zoom social. He also welcomes any of you wildlife managers, researchers, or educators that have a potentially good story – please join us and “do tell!” We want to hear about your incredible adventures (or misadventures).


You are also welcome to submit your stories to yelpper7@gmail.com (word preferred). Can’t wait to see – and hear from you – then!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 9416 1762
Passcode: FLTWS


One tap mobile
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+16468769923,,88694161762# US (New York)

Meeting ID: 886 9416 1762

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcEnh3MmXh

Hydric Soils Training, Jan. 30 and Feb. 1, 2024

FLTWS Is pleased to offer this hydric soils training for members and non-members.


Dates: Tuesday January 30, 2024,  9am – 1pm – Online portion

             Thursday, February 1, 2024 8am – 4:45pm – Field Portion

Thursday Location: Little Big Econ State Forest Equestrian Trailhead

Approx: 937-1235 Snow Hill Rd, Geneva, FL 32732 (https://maps.app.goo.gl/t96rtsV16NHnFQNV7)


Full Agenda & Register at: https://fltws.org/hydricsoils-training


Fee: FLTWS Member - $249, Non-Members - $309


Space is limited to 20 people.  Reserve your space today!


Course will cover:

  • Fundamentals of Hydric Soils

  • Review and Discussion of Most Common A and S Indicators for Delineation

  • Review and Discussion of Most Common A and F Indicators for Delineation

  • Hydric Soils ID and Documentation Practice

  • Field Exercises: Texture, Soil Processes, Hydric Soils ID

  • Field Exercises: Hydric Soils ID and Documentation


About the Instructor:  Travis Richardson, Certified Professional Soil Scientist


Travis is an expert soil scientist.  He started his career with the St. Johns River Water Management District completing soil and vegetation evaluations for the Minimum flows and Levels Program, the Regulatory Program, and the Formal Wetland Determination Program.  He provided wetland delineation training to SJRWMD, DEP, and county staff while at the WMD.  In the private sector, Travis provides technical support to clients and other consulting firms on difficult delineations, wetland delineation training, hydric soils training, as well as other consulting services.

Conservation Site Assessment and Planning Training, January 2024

NATA is pleased to announce Conservation Site Assessment and Planning coming January 2024!


DESCRIPTION:  This training builds a foundation of skills useful in conducting site assessments and developing resource management plans.  The online portion is approximately 8-hours across two weeks. The in-person portion will be held at the University of Florida’s Austin Cary Forest Campus in Gainesville, FL.


DATES:  Online will begin January 2-15, 2024 (approximately 8 hours); Two day in person workshop January 17-18, 2024

One-hour LIVE virtual ZOOM TBD second week of January.


REGISTRATION:  Regular registration opens October 31, 2023; Early registration opens October 23, 2023


*EARLY registration is for those who have graduated from one or more of NATA’s core certificate classes: Managing for Diversity, Managing for Visitors and Volunteers or Collaborating to Manage Ecosystems.


For additional information about CSAP click HERE.  To learn more about NATA programs, please visit the NATA website


Please email Nata@ifas.ufl.edu for your early access code or if you have any questions.

National Trails Workshop, November 7-9, 2023

November 7th - 9th, 2023 at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando, Florida

3 days of learning, collaboration & networking for trail professionals and emerging leaders within the trails community. This year, sessions will include topics such as succession planning, designing more inclusive trails, and resiliency planning.

View the Workshop Program Here


The National Trails Workshop offers a unique platform for attendees to immerse themselves in a diverse range of educational sessions, collaborative discussions, and networking opportunities. Participants can look forward to a comprehensive program featuring engaging workshops on topics such as succession planning, designing inclusive trails, and resiliency planning. Led by experts in their respective fields, these sessions aim to equip attendees with valuable skills, insights, and strategies to effectively manage and advocate for our nation's trails.


Located in the heart of Orlando, the Florida Hotel and Conference Center will serve as the venue for this year's workshop. Its convenient proximity to the Florida Mall ensures ample opportunities for shopping, dining, and exploring the local attractions. Accommodation options at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center are available at a special discounted rate, offering participants a comfortable and convenient stay throughout the event. The Florida Trail Association will also be hosting the event, with the 1,500-mile Florida National Scenic Trail circling conservation areas around the Greater Orlando Metro Region. Be sure to take a hike while you are in the area!


Visit the official National Trails Workshop website to access detailed information, register, and stay up-to-date with the latest program announcements.

The 2023 National Trails Workshop will be a positive, productive, professional, and inclusive event. Trail enthusiasts, professionals, and emerging leaders are invited to participate and contribute to the collective effort of preserving and promoting our nation's trails.


Learn More & Register Now

About the Partnership for the National Trails System: The Partnership for the National Trails System is a national nonprofit organization committed to championing a vibrant National Trails System that is accessible and enjoyable for all. Founded in 2001, the Partnership serves as a collective voice, resource hub, and convener for trail managers, advocates, and stewards, working together to advance shared goals. For more information, please visit pnts.org.

Bat acoustic monitoring workshop, Nov. 5-9, 2023

Perhaps you have colleagues or staff interested in learning more about bat acoustic monitoring;  consider joining myself and SonoBat developer Joe Szewcak in Punta Gorda soon for 5 nights & 4 days of hands on bat acoustic monitoring, including:
    • Hands-on deploying bat detectors; bring your own detectors or borrow ours
    • Post process data from our field trips, and/or bring your own
    • Learn to weed out non-bat sounds, recognize call quality, and confirm or reject software classifications
    • Learn Eastern US bat call identification with hands on exercises and review
    • Learn to display Kaleidoscope Pro, SonoBat, and manual ID decisions side-by-side
    • In-person for the best 1:1 collaboration possible; in person small class size for high contact time with instructors
    • Optional nightly Geek Sessions provide additional 1:1 opportunities for vetting help, special topics, & networking
    • SonoBat30, Data Wizard, and SonoBatLIVE trial software
    • Field trips include several bat emergences with night vision, recording in bat foraging areas, and an evening river transect trip
    • Active student and government agency discounts available, workshop incudes some meals and transportation to/from field trips. Conference room is next door to additional hotels, restaurants, and minutes from airport.
    • Four Points Punta Gorda, Florida November 5-9, 2023

For more details and registration see https://batmanagement.com/products/sonobat-workshop or email john@batmanagement.com

Thanks and have a batty day,

John Chenger
President, Bat Conservation and Management, Inc.
1263 Claremont Road, Carlisle, PA 17015
(717) 241-2228 (office) : (814) 442-4246 (mobile) www.batmanagement.com