Erin P. Myers, DVM, MS


Erin Myers

Private Land's Biologist

United States Fish and Wildlife Service


Erin Myers is a Private Lands Biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and has been providing technical and financial assistance to Florida’s private landowners for nearly a decade. She holds undergraduate degrees in Biomedical Science and Wildlife Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University, an MS in Wildlife Disease Pathology (Colorado State University), and is a Florida licensed doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM, Texas A&M). Erin uses her unique background as a private lands biologist and veterinarian to help private landowners and other environmental entities effectively manage Florida’s habitats for wildlife. Erin has been active in FLTWS since 2003 and currently serves as Treasurer and workshop chair. She is an active board member of The Wildlife Society’s Invasive Species Working Group, co-chair of the Florida Invasive Species Partnership, board member of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, and active member of the Society for Range Management. In addition, she follows her passion for wildlife as a veterinarian with the Florida Panther Capture Team.

As President-elect of the Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society, I intend to push the organization forward on many fronts. From expanding public awareness for wildlife conservation to increasing collaboration with other professional organizations and growing our membership, I am prepared to confront the challenges and harness the opportunities that lie ahead.

Wildlife Advocacy: As President-elect I will work to maintain and build upon FLTWS’s reputation as a credible resource for policy makers and organizations regarding the issues that impact wildlife. In addition, I will work to increase our presence as a Florida wildlife advocate by working closely with FLTWS’ Conservation Committee (on issues such as oil drilling off the coast of Florida) and furthering our current efforts with the Florida Wildlife Federation, Audubon of Florida, and The Nature Conservancy to conserve private lands for wildlife. 

Member Benefits: As President-elect, I’d like to expand the benefits and services we provide our members. Every effort to increase and diversify our membership should be met with an equal effort to extend more benefits, such as offering new mentoring programs to develop future wildlife professionals, introducing more educational workshops to the Spring and Fall meetings, and adding more non-conference workshops that are driven by our members’ needs. 

Financial Stability and Public Awareness: I will continue to seek new revenue and public awareness opportunities as President-elect. As current FLTWS Treasurer, I have helped raise funds for our organization through active participation in several large public events including Florida Panther Day, NRCS Earth Day Celebration, and Ding Darling Days. FLTWS has gained financially from these events through a 36% increase in T-shirt and other merchandise sales. 

Increase Professional Awareness: Finally, as President-elect I will continue to advocate and help raise awareness for our organization among wildlife professionals and associations through workshops (such as Prescribed Grazing for Wildlife and the Southwest Florida Exotics Workshop) and at professional meetings including Florida Exotics Pest Plant Council, Florida Native Plant Society, and Society for Range Management.